
Twenty-five years after coming to Japan, in March 2012, Martina Umemura founded a company in Kesennuma named the Umemura Martina Kesennuma FS Atelier, which creates and sells wool and knitwear. The "FS" in "Kesennuma FS Atelier" stands for "Friedenssocken," which means "Peace Socks" in German. With the sincere hope that people will find happiness by touching wool and knitwear from Kesennuma, the company is moving forward one step at a time.


October 1987Comes to Japan as a trainee physician.
April 1991Enters the Graduate School of Medicine at Kyoto University. Doctorate completed in March 1995.
April 1994Begins as a lecturer of German at the Goethe Institute in Kyoto, contract completed in 2010.
April 1995Begins as a part-time lecturer of German at the Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, continues to work there as of now.
2005Joins the cooperative in aid of Afghanistan called TAFA (Takarazuka Afghanistan Friendship Association). Project currently suspended.
2006Participates at Chionji Temple Handicraft Market in Kyoto, organizes knitting classes. Project currently ongoing.
June 2011Visits Kesennuma for the first time. In July, the Koharagi Takochan (a woolen octopus doll) is created.
March 2012Founds the Umemura Martina Kesennuma FS Atelier Co., Ltd. (Ryuichi Saitou chosen as Representative Director)
April 2012Moves from Kyoto to Kesennuma.
June 2012Assumes the role of Representative Director at Umemura Martina Kesennuma FS Atelier Ltd.

NameUmemura Martina Kesennuma FS Atelier Co., Ltd.
Atelier address145-9 Karakuwa-cho Minato, Kesennuma, Miyagi 988-0505
Shop address 69-2 Akaiwa Suginosawa, Kesennuma, Miyagi 988-0181
Founded March 2012
Representative DirectorMartina Umemura
Sales ManagerRyuichi Saitou (Representative Director of Saishin)
In charge of web sales Tatsuhiko Saitou (of Saishin)
Business agendaselling of wool, manufacture and sale of knitwear, managing knitting classrooms.